NHERI Branding Toolkit

NSF NHERI Network Logos

Network and Coordination Logos

Right-click to save file. Questions or print-quality files needed: nheri.communications@gmail.com


NSF NHERI DesignSafe

NSF NHERI DesignSafe Logo

NSF NHERI Network Coordination Office

U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)

The U.S. National Science Foundation provides funding for the NHERI program and NHERI facilities. NSF requires acknowledgement of their involvement in any publication or work created with the aid of their funding.

NSF Logo

Please review NSF policy on brand standards and approved logo use before using their logo. NSF Logos and Usage Standards(opens a new window)

NSF NHERI Facilities 

SimCenter, UC Berkeley

RAPID Natural Hazards Reconnaissance

Additional Logos

Updated word marks will be available soon.

CONVERGE, University of Colorado Boulder

NSF NHERI User Forum

NSF NHERI Education & Community Outreach

NSF NHERI Graduate Student Council